Computer Security Specialist

Security Specialist Overview

A security specialist is one of many in-demand cybersecurity roles to consider. Explore the position's typical skills, education requirements, and career outlook. Security specialists, also known as cybersecurity specialists, develop and implement security measures that protect computer networks and systems. Companies often hire security specialists to secure data networks, prevent security breaches, and make changes to improve security. Due to the industry's evolving nature, security specialists' responsibilities are complex and ever-changing.

History of Cybersecurity Specialists

Threats to online security closely shadow the history and development of the internet itself. Starting as early as the 1990s, simple antivirus software like the Reaper, created by Ray Tomlinson, became necessary to protect user's online activity. Cybersecurity specialists offer solutions to many of these threats. These specialists apply programming languages and ingenuity to create solutions for complex issues. Developing security systems often involves the collaboration of many specialized professionals. Read about other careers in internet security below.

Key Soft Skills for Security Specialists

  • Communication: Security specialists must monitor existing security infrastructure and communicate all threats. Effective communication enables professionals to take correct action to prevent security breaches. Specialists may also need to simplify issues/solutions for discussions with administrators.
  • Collaboration: Ensuring the information security for an entire organization requires coordination. Security specialists often work in teams and must readily and effectively collaborate with other security professionals.
  • Attention to Detail: Intercepting security threats takes detailed technological solutions that need constant monitoring and improvement. Cybersecurity specialists conduct deep computer system analyses and inspect the smallest details for improvement.
  • Problem Solving: Security specialists regularly identify security problems and propose effective solutions. This position requires critical thinking and problem-solving skills to create comprehensive solutions for new and evolving threats.

Key Hard Skills for Security Specialists

  • Programming Languages: A fundamental understanding of programming languages like Python, Golang, and JavaScript helps security specialists stay ahead of cybercriminal activity. Additionally, developing a strong understanding of a system's architecture makes it easier to defend.
  • Security Information and Event Management (SIEM): Cybersecurity specialists need experience using SIEM tools and services to analyze security threats. They use SIEM products to create automation and real-time analysis to produce alerts and implement response plans.
  • Malware Prevention: Security specialists apply advanced threat protection software to detect, prevent, and identify security threats. A strong understanding of malware prevention software helps specialists predict threats that might breach existing security solutions.
  • Computer Forensics: A strong understanding of forensic tools and investigative methods helps security specialists find anomalies and malicious activities on a network. Computer forensics applications aid specialists in investigating hidden, encrypted, or even deleted information.